The title's line comes from a Robert Frost's poem. As far as poems go, and Zach is probably more a connoisseur than I, the last four lines of this one have always been a personal favorite:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Perfectly campy.
We arrived pretty late to our spot on Friday night (no thanks to the traffic in Manhattan). So we built a small fire, then went to the worst sleep of our night. Our friend Kristen was super awesome to let us borrow her tent, but we didn't have the foresight to realize a comforter and fleece blanket would 1) offer almost no padding from the ground and 2) was not even close to keeping us warm. It was miserable. Winry was groaning in the morning.
We went to walmart the next morning at 7:30 and bought an air mattress, foam cover and a comforter. It was definitely overkill, but oh so worth it for that delightful sleep Saturday night.
Anyway, we went on a six mile hike Saturday to some nearby spots. Because that's what you do after you only get a few hours sleep the night before, right? Winry was the happiest dog in the world.
Except for the swimming. That was definitely not her favorite part.
We both found sticks that we carried with us for the whole walk. A staff for Zach and a sturdy branch for me.
This is just the first of many adventures for us and you'll be able to find them all right here.
Until next time,
Until next time,